Welcome to Amphibianlife
Want to learn more about Amphibians?
Frog, Toads, Salamanders, Newts & Axolotls
Amphibianlife is one of the leading care and general information websites for Amphibians.
Articles To start With
Tanks & Equipment
- What conditions do frogs need for survival in a tank
- 6 most common pet frogs and their setup
- How much does a pet frog cost?
- Best misters for frogs
- Terrarium, vivarium, paludariums and other Ariums
- Terrarium requirements for Pacman frog
- Best Vivarium Plants for beginners
- How to Create a Bioactive Terrarium for Dart Frogs?
Frog Facts
- Top 100 Amazing Frog Facts for Kids
- Male Frog vs Female Frog
- Do frogs shed their skin? Do they eat it?
- Do frogs have hair? If Yes Why?
- Can frogs breathe underwater?
- Why do frogs scream?
- How high can frogs jump and how do they do it?
- Are frogs vertebrates or invertebrates?
- What does frog poop look like?
- Do frogs croak and how and why?
- Do frogs have ears and how do they hear?
- Do frogs eat fish? What else do they feed on?
- Do Pacman frogs bite, does it hurt?
- Ultimate Guide to Pacman-frogs?
- Do frogs bite and does it hurt?
- Leopard frog and pickerel frog differences?
- What are Natural Ways to Repel frogs? (10 DIY Ways)
- Do Frogs fart? All About Amphibian Farting
- What are frog defenses? (20 Frog Defense Mechanisms)
- Waxy Monkey Tree Frogs: A Guide & Care Sheet
- How to find Frogs in Aquatic, Terrestrial and Arboreal
- What Does Frog Pee Look Like? (With Pictures)
Toad Facts
- Do toads hibernate and why?
- What do toads need to survive?
- How long do toads live 14 species included
- what do birds reptiles amphibians and fish all have in common?
Amphibian Breeding
- how do amphibians take care of their young
- Dart frog tadpoles Caresheet
- How to tell if your frog is pregnant?
- Pacman-frog breeding habitat nutrition and breeding cycles
- Do amphibians lay eggs?
- Why do frogs lay so many eggs?
- What do frog eggs look like and where do they keep them?
- What Is Amplexus? What does it mean? Its Types
Amphibian Food & Feeding
Salamander & Newts Facts
- Do Salamanders bite? Does it hurt? are they poisonous?
- Are Salamanders poisonous and dangerous for people?
- Do Salamanders make good pets?
- Where do Salamanders live?
- How much do Salamanders cost?+Tank and Accessories
- Salamanders vs Newts Comparison (How do they differ?)
Amphibian Diseases
- Chytrid fungus in Amphibians
- What is Albinism? (Albino Amphibians and Animals)
- Which disease can kill frogs? (15 Diseases you must know)
Axolotl Facts
- Do Axolotls have Many Colors? ( And Why so Many)
- How Much does Axolotl cost? What about accessories?
- How to Feed Worms to Axolotl? A Guide to Worm Farming.
- How Much To Feed Axolotl?+ How often to feed?
- Amazing Axolotl Facts for Kids
- What are Amphibians?
- How to attract amphibians to your garden?
- Vivarium Plants for Beginners (20 Easy Vivarium Plants)
- 8 Awesome Frogs of America and Canada
- What do Tadpoles eat?+ What to feed Tadpoles.
- What Is Amplexus?+Types and Importance
- What is Safe Water for Amphibians? Is Acidic water safe?
- Hibernation vs Brumation vs Torpor Vs Dormancy?
- What Does Spider Poop Look Like?+Pictures
- Top 30 Surprising Hellbenders Facts For Kids
- Giant Salamander Facts for kids
Reptiles (Geckos)
- Can Leopard Gecko live with other Lizards?+Which Ones
- 5 Reasons Why Leopard Gecko stares at you?
- How Good Is Leopard Gecko Eyesight?
- Leopard Gecko Sounds and Noises+What they Mean?
- What does a Bearded Dragon Poop look like?+Pictures
- What Does Lizard Poop Look Like?+Pictures
- How Blue Tongue Skink Poop Look Like?+Pictures
Pet Animals Names
- Pet Gecko Names
- Pet Bearded Dragon Names
- Pet Axolotl Names
- Pet Uromastyx Names
- Pet Blue Tongue Skink Names
- Pet Octopus Names
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