If there was one word to describe?

It would be: passionate about frogs!

Whether you just want to know more about amphibians, have a presentation to give at school, or just want more information about your pet, you’ve come to the right place.

No matter what you want to learn, I hope that I can give that to you!

That is why I’ve created this blog!

Hi, I’m Mike and I’m the creator of amphibianlife.com.


Once I was a total beginner and knew nothing about amphibians. But in 2018 this was changed radically! I went on vacation to Indonesia.

I saw such beautiful creatures, that I just fell in love with how they look, how they act, and anything that has to do with amphibians.

So, I started my blog to channel my passion for amphibians and to learn more and more about them.

To this day I learn every day and for a couple of months, I’m the proud owner of a Pacman frog!

I hope that I can help you find the information you need. and if there is anything I can help you with, you can always send

Email to us here


Content published on the website is for informational purposes only.

Everything I write is purely based on my experience and should not be considered as professional, veterinary or medical advice.

Thanks for reading this and have fun on my website!